- June 25, 2015
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On 25 June 2015, React, the anti-counterfeiting network, the General Directorate for Customs of the Greek MinFin and Drakopoulos, React’s Greek partner, gathered in Athens more than
100 customs, police, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Economy officers in a highly interactive one-day Product Identification Training seminar.
The participants had the opportunity to receive insightful and up-to-date information as well as training on the identification of counterfeit products in domestic and international trade.
To mark the opening of the seminar, Mr. Michalis Kosmopoulos, partner and head of IP department of Drakopoulos in SE Europe, analyzed the swift and decisive steps that can be taken to identify report and destroy counterfeit goods.
The Director of the Market Auditing Department of the Ministry of Economy, the Director of the IP Department of Greek Financial and Economic Crime Unit (SDOE), the Director of the Security department for IP crimes of the Athens Police HQ, as well as high ranked officers of the Greek customs expressed their appreciation to the organizers of the seminar, outlined the challenges they face with respect to IP enforcement and assured that they will use all their best efforts to eliminate any infringing counterfeiting practices. In a valuable exchange of information, the officers outlined the provisions that are already in force and invited brand owners to assist them in identifying infringing goods.
Participant REACT members provided detailed information by exhibiting genuine and counterfeit goods and analyzing all possible identifying methods.