We offer comprehensive legal services related to copyright ownership, exploitation, licensing and legal protection in cases of copyright infringement actions.
We advise creators, users or suppliers of original work on every aspect of the law relating to the creation, protection and exploitation of creative work, including advising on the application of the rights and exceptions available under copyright legislation, negotiating license agreements for copyright protected works, content and technology on all platforms, registering copyright ownership and transactions and representing clients in copyright disputes, including cease and desist demands, infringement litigation, commercial arbitration and defense of third-party actions.
- We advised a mobile marketing multinational on copyright aspects of IP assignment to an equity investment in a spin-off of the same company.
- We advised a telecommunications multinational on software licensing matters, related to voice recognition systems.
- We advise a record company in their dispute with a leading TV channel infringing their related rights.
- We represented CRETAN MUSICAL WORKSHOP SEISTRON, a Greek record company, against ANTENNA TV, one of the biggest national television stations, in a copyright infringement case and namely with respect to the infringement of copyright and related rights in music/songs played on a television show broadcasted by the defendant.
- We advised various authors on their publishing agreements with major publishing houses.
- We assist copyright owners in the entertainment industry in anti-piracy matters.
- We successfully represented in court ANIMACCORD LTD, owner of the copyrights forcartoon characters Masha and the bear,with respect to filing a cancellation claim against the international design registration (DM/088894) having Romania as a designated state, which comprises the images of characters Masha and the bear.
- We advised SKIP HOP Inc. on a copyright infringement claim against their former reseller ALOUETTE S.A., a major Greek manufacturer of children products and gear, operating a chain of retail stores across Greece.
02. People