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Drakopoulos advised Secure Property Development & Investment PLC (“SPDI”) on the acquisition of income generating assets in Romania and Bulgaria.

  • June 15, 2015
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Drakopoulos advised Secure Property Development & Investment PLC (“SPDI”) on the acquisition of income generating assets in Romania and Bulgaria. The deal involved a €25m transaction with respect to the acquisition of a set of prime property assets in Romania and Bulgaria by SPDI, an AIM quoted property company focused on Emerging Europe. The acquisitions […]

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Competition policies in the distribution of pharmaceuticals An insight into the Romanian market

The Romanian Competition Council (RCC) marks two years since they launched, by virtue of an order of the RCC President, a sector inquiry on the national pharmaceutical industry, in a risk-assessment trial run to address potential malfunctions of anti-competitive nature. The inquiry followed a preliminary study conducted by the RCC on the commercial evolution of […]

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Legal and investigative services: how to get the most in the anti-counterfeiting business

Anti-counterfeiting is an endless battle, in which infringers have at their disposal all kinds of illegal weapons and methods. On the other hand, brand owners’ anti-counterfeiting efforts rely on the state enforcement authorities and the judiciary system, representing the public sector, as well as private services, namely anti-counterfeiting professionals, i.e. lawyers and investigators. What is […]

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White collar crime in Albania

Doing business in Albania has undergone a short but interesting progress, initiated with the business regulatory reforms, followed by a “gold rush” of foreign investors during the last fifteen years. Many articles have been published on the matter, however, white-collar crime, committed by employees and/or executives of businesses, is a topic that deserves particular focus […]

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2015 -The year of electricity power sector reformation in Albania

For more than two decades, the Albanian electricity power sector has been facing critical financial and operational problems, as a result of a number of issues, which oftentimes caused chain reactions. The most characteristic example would be the lack of payments from the part of the end consumers, who do not pay the power distributors, […]

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