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Trademarks guide in Greek

Trademarks Guide 2.0_2017

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Dispute Resolution in Greece: An insight into the innovative ordinary procedure before first instance courts launched by the new Greek Civil Procedure Code

Past and recent records of litigation proceedings before first instance courts in Greece have brought to the surface a reality that depicts severe delays in case trials, most of the times coming as a result of lengthy hearings and ever-expanding caseload, as well as of many consensual or disputed trial adjournments or ex officio adjournments […]

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Assessing the impact of the crisis on the Greek labor market: will it ultimately manage to secure its rebirth?

Since the onset of the Greek sovereign debt crisis and in the midst of non-stop negotiations with the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF, Greece has been instructed to apply tight fiscal consolidation measures and implement a series of structural reforms to improve its competitiveness and boost its growth, in seek of […]

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Drakopoulos organized a product identification training seminar

  • June 16, 2016
  • -

React and Drakopoulos, hosted in Athens, on Thursday June 16th 2016  at the premises of  the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a Product Identification training seminar. More than 120 customs, police, coast guard, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Economy agents have participated and received extensive training from industry experts representing 18 React member […]

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Albania: a new IP National Strategy is around the corner

Albanian IP legislation and practice have recorded over the past years significant developments towards the recognition and enforcement of IP rights by harmonizing national laws with the EU legislation and by increasing the active role of various public institutions in the process. However, there are yet some areas in need of improvement, both in terms […]

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A new bankruptcybill is finally knocking on our doors

The bankruptcy system has never really worked in Albania and it has been practicably impossible for companies to finalize bankruptcy proceedings and be declared officially bankrupt.The main reason of such difficulties was the existence of a bankruptcy law, purely written or translated from the respective German one, the implementation of which turned out to be […]

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The economic impact of counterfeiting: How brand owners and public sector opt for reshaping their strategies to secure sustainability

Introduction   Intellectual Property Rights (“IPR”) are of utmost value to all stakeholders involved in their value chain, from IP owners to IP-intensive industries and consumers. In most cases, in which IPR have been the result of inventive activity, innovation, allocation of human and other resources, investment and production, counterfeiting comes as a blow against […]

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Invest in Greek real estate: will there ever be a perfect time? Could real estate investments amid dire financial straits turn from high-risk ideas to no-brainers?

Over the last seven years, Greece has been under an austerity restructuring programme, receiving extended aid from European financial institutions and international creditors in an attempt to tackle its overly high deficits and incessant market stagnation. 2016 did not seem to get off to a flying start when it comes to financial markets and, in […]

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Stitching-up the Albanian Legislation on real estate

It is commonly accepted that the financial, social, and political transition of Albaniainto the post-communistera not only failed to address a major long-standing problem related to private property rights, but actually furtherjumbled up real estate ownership relationships.The fuzzy legal framework governing property rights and the absence of a proper administration systemremainmajor obstaclesto the growth of […]

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New regime on the transfer of non–performing loans: a promising development for Greek economy and an obvious choice for foreign investors

The vast number of non-performing loans (“NPLs”), i.e. loans not paid for over 90 days – exceeding at times 2.000.000 in number – has created over the past 6 years an enormousburden on Greek economy hampering even more its recovery. Each of the “memoranda” implemented during the last years explicitly provided for Greek bank recapitalizations […]

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