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Foreign Direct Investment in Greece rebounds in 2017

Despite the severe economic crisis Greece has been facing over almost a decade, the country’s performance in dragging in foreign investment throughout the years has been marking a rather impressive track record. So far, 2017 has beendefinitely a year showcasing increased economic, commercial and corporate activity and gradually improving financial circumstances. The Greek Ministry of Finance issued in […]

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Drakopoulos organized a “Liability of Intermediaries” workshop.

  • December 13, 2017
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Drakopoulos hosted the “Liability of Intermediaries” workshop on December 13th at its offices in Athens, Greece. The most important issues and practical implications concerning the Liability of Intermediaries, as well as the recent CJEU case law have been discussed among the participating key officers from Greek Law Enforcement Agencies and brand representatives.

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Quasi – judicial tax recourse: Saving time (and money) in tax disputes against Tax Authorities

Almost four years ago and amid the pressure exercised on the Greek State by its European partners and the IMF by means of economic adjustment programmes and loan agreements broadly known as “memoranda”, a new tax procedural code was adopted. The main aim of the Greek Government – and a bet against all odds–was to […]

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Drakopoulos advises Hellenic Petroleum on GDPR compliance

  • September 10, 2017
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Drakopoulos Greece advises Hellenic Petroleum Group of Companies with respect to the group’s compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The project includes thorough monitoring of the group’s internal policies and procedures in order to identify potential gaps with the requirements of GDPRand meet the tight deadline of 25 May 2018 – as GDPR’S […]

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A new remedy against excessively long judicial proceedings

The latest amendments to the Civil Procedure Code (CPC), which will enter into force in November 2017, aim at increasing the judicial system’s efficiency and performance. In this respect, one of the main amendments relates to the excessive length of judicial proceedings. Statistics show that until September 2014, 70% of the complaints filed with the […]

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Greek labor sector stays mired in high unemployment rates as debt crisis goes on

Almost nine years since the outset of the Greek debt crisis, the deep and prolonged recession has led to substantial decline in ordinary financial activity and has swept away a quarter of the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP), an aftermath usually observed in times of war. The ongoing crisis has had an extremely negative effect on labour market as well. In a country of 11 million people, more than one million jobs […]

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Drakopoulos organized a product identification training seminar

  • June 8, 2017
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React and Drakopoulos organized in Thessaloniki and Heraklion on June 8th – 9th 2017,  two anti-counterfeiting seminars where representatives of brand owners  (namely Toyota , Louis Vuitton Malletier, Moet Hennessy, Procter & Gamble, Swiss Watch Federation  General Motors, PUMA,  Diageo, Harley Davidson, Hugo Boss,  Stolichnaya, Beaute Prestige International, Petland) provided to custom and police officers […]

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Advertising Compliance in Greece: How to Keep Your Marketing Strategies On-Message

Prior to building up or transplanting their advertising campaigns in Greece, businesses wishing to acquire a share in the local media market, besides familiarizing themselves with their industry sector through review and analysis of the industry economics, participants, and main competitors, should immersethemselves into the regulatory framework for advertising that will enable them to develop […]

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Drakopoulos advises YALCO S.A. on the sale of Romanian subsidiary

  • February 1, 2017
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Drakopoulos advised YALCO, a major distributor of household goods and hotel equipment in Greece listed in the Athens Stock Exchange, on the€1.9 million sale of its 100% Romanian subsidiary to a Cypriot purchaser. The transaction was in line with the client’s intention to restructure its debt through exiting the Romanian market and, therefore, focus on […]

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The Big Three business operational changes of the new GDPR

Almost five years since the European Commission submitted a first proposal on the reformation of the data protection landscape, a new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been finally adopted, bound for fortifying data protection harmonization across EU Member States. The GDPR shall be directly applicable in all Member States as of May 25, 2018, […]

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